Regency Simulated Calamander Cabinet
SoldRegency Rosewood Music Canterbury
SoldRegency Penwork Card Box
Sold18th Century Satinwood Card Table
SoldRegency Penwork Tea Caddy
SoldRegency Japanned Sewing Cabinet
SoldChinoiserie Regency Caddy
SoldGeorge I Walnut and Feather Banded Lowboy
SoldA Pair of George III Style Brass Hall Lanterns
SoldScottish Chippendale Period 18th Century Armchair
SoldGeorge II Cuban Mahogany 18th Century Period Circular Tilt Top Table
SoldRegency Boulle Mantel Clock
Sold18th Century Mahogany Kettle Stand
SoldBlack Japanned Regency Tea Caddy
Sold19th Century Tea Caddy
SoldRegency Mirror
SoldRegency Games Box
SoldCarved George III Oval Mirror
SoldWilliam IV Rosewood Occasional Table
SoldOrmolu Bronze Lamp Base
SoldChippendale Period Reading Table