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Pair of 18th Century George III Card Tables

Pair of 18th Century George III Card Tables


circa 1790 - 1800

Pair of 18th century George III period Sheraton satinwood inlaid card tables.

The 'D' shaped card tables are inlaid and crossbanded in figured mahogany, boxwood and ebony stringing with outer kingwood veneers.

The tops open to reveal green baize and fold down onto twin action gate leg supports.

The top card table edge is repeated with a kingwood banding above a satinwood frieze. The frieze is shallow and crossbanded in mahogany.

The four tapered legs are veneered in satinwood and inlaid with mahogany bandings with rectangular mahogany inlays to the top section. The mahogany block inlays are crossbanded with boxwood and ebony stringing.

The satinwood card tables are raised on tapered toes and applied block mouldings.


Stock No: 10786


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